Saturday, June 21, 2008

Proven Solutions For Snoring

By Sarah McMahon

Are you suffering from a restless night of sleep? Do you find yourself and your spouse arguing during the night because of the loud noises that come from your body? Maybe you have tried all kinds of methods to help you stop snoring and you have not had success. Well I have written this article to explain some of the proven solutions for snoring and how you can begin using them to help you get a peaceful eight hours of sleep.

People who suffer from this condition usually seem like they are sleeping peacefully; however most of them awaken as if they have not slept at all. I personally know this because I lived with a snorer. He would awaken just as tired as he was the night before. He was constantly grouchy and groggy because a lack of sleep. I have to admit though that some of the proven solutions for snoring that I listed below; he was reluctant to try them however I was finally able to get him to do them and today we are both sleeping as peaceful as we used to before he developed this condition.

Solution 1. Weight loss: most people who suffer from this condition are most likely overweight. Research has shown that if you are overweight the chances for you snoring increase. The reason being; when you lie down the weight of your body causes the muscles in the back of your throat to relax and that is what produces the loud sounds that keep both of you awake. There are steps you can do to begin to lose some of the unwanted weight it will improve your quality of sleep and most important it will decrease your chances of acquiring an illness due to being overweight. Begin watching what you eat and cut back on your portions. If you currently love to eat out at fast food restaurants; cut back on that or avoid it if possible. The food is filled with fat and has no nutritional value whatsoever.

Solution 2. Exercise: we all hate the "E" word; however there is no way around it if you want to live a healthy lifestyle. We all require exercise just like every other living organism. The great thing is you do not have to go run a marathon; you can easily begin by walking around your neighborhood for 30 minutes every morning.

Solution 3. No alcoholic beverages: at least three hours before you go to sleep. This includes wine, beer, liquor or any other type of alcohol. The reason being is because alcohol acts as a relaxing stimulant; it will relax your body to the point that your throat muscles will be "singing" all night long and you may be louder than normal.

Solution 4. Breathing strips: these are little band aid looking strips that you put on the top of your nose. They open up your airway passages so that the air you breathe can flow through easily These are proven solutions for snoring and you can easily pick up a box from your local health store or drug store for under $10.

If you are looking for more proven solutions for snoring; visit our website it is guaranteed to get you to stop snoring and begin sleeping better at night using natural methods!

Author of this Article
Sarah McMahon
Entrepreneur who has been marketing several types of websites filled with useful information for the past 5 years.

Article Source:

Snoring Relief

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Snoring Remedy for a Good night's Sleep

The day has ended and the moon shines the dark velvet night. You gently close your eyes slowly drifting to sleep when suddenly, Zzzzzzzzzzzz. That sound is definitely not music to the ears, and much worse, you have to bear with that irritating noise until morning.

Snoring itself can be harmful to a person, and so is lack of sleep. So before you reach this point, get an early start.

Persons who snore are not much bothered with the noise that they make, but their companions are, that is why the remedy for snoring is much sought by these people. Snoring can be harmful to ones health in the long run, which is why many individuals are looking for the best snoring remedy that is available.

Snoring can affect the whole family, because the annoying sound reverberates all throughout the household especially during the night when all things are pretty quiet. Depriving your family with their night's sleep is not a very good thing to do; and the least you can do is to stop snoring, but how?

There are many snoring remedies out in stores. Snoring aids and sleep aids are available at a reasonable price.

If you've been snoring for a long period of time, perhaps it is time to seek professional attention. What most people don't know is that snoring is a major symptom of sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is a serious condition which needs considerable professional attention. Many people die from this condition because breathing stops suddenly while a person is asleep. Persons with sleep apnea should seek medical advice immediately; you can observe that the person struggles momentarily, catching their breath after snoring stops for a few seconds.

Some snoring remedies include:

1. nose strips
2. special pillows
3. dental appliances
4. acupuncture
5. hypnotism

The causes of snoring vary from one individual to another. Others snore because they are overweight, while others claim that they snore because of certain food intake. If you're overweight, perhaps it's high time that you reduce weight. You can start by getting a daily exercise, or you can work out in a gym. If you eat foods which trigger snoring, start monitoring all the food you've eaten for the day. A change in lifestyle is the best solution if these are the causes, although it might be difficult at first, you will get used to it after some time.

The sleeping position also triggers snoring. Sleeping while the mouth is open, or lying on the back causes snoring as well. There are sleeping devices which you can use at night to support the jaw and will keep your mouth closed. Others lie on their side to avoid snoring.

You can also inhale steam before you go to sleep. Your nasal passages will open up, and you will find it easier to breathe on the nose. You can also use a system of air filtration, to be rid of allergens like pet hair, dust, and cigarette smoke.

People are always looking for the best way to stop snoring. To completely stop snoring is quite impossible, but remedies can lessen the 'snoring scenario' every night. There is no best among the best; all you can do is to find the best remedy that will work for you.
Consult your doctor first before you use any special device. Seeking medical help is the best way to deal with snoring.

Snoring Relief

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Top Anti Snoring Devices You Can Avail

Hearing a person who snores can be amusing, it can even be funny. But if you are living with someone who snores, a relative or a family member perhaps, then the sound might become very disturbing. If you cannot get a good night sleep and always wake up several times in the middle of the night by a sound that can be as loud as a lawnmower or a jet engine in action, then you should be thinking of anti snoring devices as a solution to the problem.

Here are popular anti snoring devices you can buy for your family member and stop him from disturbing your sleep:

• Anti snoring pillow

One of the reasons why people snore is because they have an improper sleeping position. This causes the air passage to stretch and tighten making it more difficult for air to come in and out. To solve this, there are anti snoring pillows that relax your airways and maintain the right sleeping position to prevent a person from snoring throughout the night.

• Throat spray

One natural remedy to stop snoring is the snoring spray. Formulated with natural ingredients, snoring spray contains essential oils that when sprayed on the throat, provide a lubrication that reduces that amount of vibration, hence effectively reduce snoring. However, it is ironic that when throat spray is used frequently, it can lead to more snoring.

Before using throat spray, the doctor's evaluation on the patient is necessary to avoid any other complication.

• Nasal dilators

Usually made of stainless steel coil or plastic, nasal dilators help keep the air passage open which cut down the throat's vibration which leads to snoring. Nasal dilators are used by inserting it into the nostrils.

• Nasal strips

Like nasal dilators, nasal strips are used to open the airways on the nose and keep the right amount of airflow during sleep. Nasal strips are often made of plastic. This is one of the more popular anti snoring devices since it is cheap, safe, and effective. In fact, nasal strips are used by athletes for better airflow and respiratory efficiency while playing.

• Sleep Position Monitor

This device emits a beeping noise to alert the snorer when he shifts to a position where snoring usually occur (sleeping on their back). However, if you are a relative of a snorer and would want his snoring to stop, then this device may become a whole new problem. But, the aim of this device is not to replace the snorer from keeping you a wake in the middle of the night. Instead, it is there to create a brand new sleeping habit.

Once the snorer starts to sleep on his side, the sleep position monitor can be removed.

• Snore ball

Snore ball is placed at the back of the snorer (inside his pajama). When he changes his sleeping position from side to back, the snore ball emits discomfort, a.k.a. pain. In other words, it prevents the snorer from sleeping on his back. It might not be the device a person wants to feel in the middle of the night but some really need it in order to change his sleeping position for good. Some people use golf balls, baseballs or tennis balls as snore balls.

All these anti snoring devices can prevent a person from snoring, however, snoring can be caused by other medical condition that may need medical attention. To be safe, have your relative or family member be checked by a doctor to know exactly what treatment does he need.

Snoring Relief

Causes of Snoring in Children (Part 2)

hen these symptoms are visible, it is imperative for parents to bring their child to a pediatrician and have him examined. A child can be happy and smiling when he is brought to the doctor and therefore, it is difficult to diagnose if he really has sleep apnea. Parents are advised to record their child's snoring so that the doctor can analyze the situation in actually.

Meanwhile, sleep apnea is not the sole reason why children snore. Other reasons include allergy attack, obesity, asthma, and enlargement of adenoids and/or tonsils caused by cold or tonsillitis.

Some allergy attacks can cause swelling on the linings of the nose that can direct to the enlargement of adenoids. This keeps the child from breathing normally. This causes the child to snore. After the allergy attack, the snoring stops.

Obesity can also lead to snoring. In fact, 20% and 40% of the obese children snore. This is because fats can form around the throat that can cause constriction and makes the limited airways. Also, fats in the stomach can cause the diaphragm to function irregularly

Asthma is said to be another cause why children snore. A study revealed that 40% of the children diagnosed with asthma snore.

Enlargement of adenoids and/or tonsils caused by cold or tonsillitis also results to snoring. While cold or tonsillitis can be cured by decongestant and antibiotics, adenoid enlargement is treated by surgical procedure to remove adenoids and tonsils.

Underdevelopment of the jaw inside the womb can cause snoring as well. There is also the possibility that the nerves and the muscles cannot control the airway properly and cause that child to snore

Snoring Relief

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Everyone snore!!!!!!! (or half of the earth population)

Believe it or not, about 50 % of people on earth snoring including man, women and children (excluding non man like dog and dugs??) Just imagine what effect on half of earth population if all of the people snoring at the same times!!!!!!!

Most of the people wonder why are snoring appears. Some of them just ignore it but many of them try to find the cure or pretend it never happen even though it affects their personal life.

Some of the cause of snoring came from controllable reason and some of it came from uncontrollable reason and both reasons produce the same snoring problem.

Some major reason why people snoring such as;

1. Genetic
2. Personal lifestyle such drinking alcohol and smoking
3. Certain medication
4. Ages - the throat passage became smaller when age increase
5. Asthma
6. Overweight
7. Allergies

For healthy purpose those people who’s having one or more than one above causes is definitely advice and always best to consult a doctor.

Although nowadays modern medical technique are improved especially in the field to increase quality of health and life, some of health problem such snoring problem can be prevent by implement natural treatment. Natural diet and exercise program may be helpful for those having snoring problem causes by overweight, at the same time you are improve you life and health quality by reducing more fat and became healthier and happier.

Easier approaches that can be used to stop snoring but commonly ignore by snoring person are position when we’re slept. Sleeping with your side or abdomen lay on the bed is believed can make your snoring problem reduce.

For smoker, drinker and drug user, quitting may be difficult but by doing so you may improve your life and also help you snoring problem disappears one and for all

Snoring Relief

Causes of Snoring in Children (Part 1)

Occasional snoring may be normal to children. Recent studies show that 3 to 12 percent of children between the age of 1 and 9 snore. But frequency doesn’t mean normality. Habitual snoring can be a cause of a more serious medical condition called obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) or simply, sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is a condition characterized by loud snoring with periods of breathing interruptions. Interruptions may be short or prolonged, usually between 5 to 30 seconds. During this period, the child's could not get straight sleep. He rouses and moves to another sleeping position, then resumes sleep. After a while he will once again begin snoring. This activity often happens several times during the night, each night. Although this condition rarely appears on children, it is very important that parents should watch out for symptoms that come along with it.

Symptoms of sleep apnea include

• Poor speech habits - talking that sounds like words over a mouthful of hot potato.
• Reduced growth rate. Children suffering from sleep apnea use more energy in breathing during the night. During meals, they tend to eat slowly since it is hard for them to breathe and chew at the same time. The result is, they have insufficient nutrients to support their growth.
• Hyperactivity. Lack of sleep can cause drowsiness on children during the day. To stay awake, children act frantically.
• Poor performance in school. Since children do not get the right sleep during the night, they tend to appear tired and lack the concentration to focus at school, thus, having a poor performance.

Snoring Relief

Monday, June 16, 2008

Want to Quit Snoring? Know What Causes the Problem

It is undeniable that snoring actually causes major problems, if not in general health then maybe with relationships. There is no wonder then why too many people want to quit snoring. Add to it the fact that everyone deserves some rest after a day of tiring work.

The sad part though is that snoring is not a voluntary act. Most snorers are not even aware that they snore unless someone tells them so. And they can either control muscles from dangling or initiate the actual snoring.

It is quite hard to isolate the actual causes of snoring from the contributing factors. Nevertheless, there are various methods of knowing which are the culprits. In the medical community, it is well known that knowledge of the causes can drive the cure to arise. Thus, it is crucial that one is able to pinpoint which among the factors aggravates the condition.

Once any root cause is properly identified, it would now be easier to find a cure that will leave everyone worry-free. By then, it would be much easier to quit snoring, it may take lots of trials and investigations though.

It all stream down from self-realization. Knowing yourself can create ways to eliminate the factors that help result to the problem. Thus, if you know that you are presently subjected to specific stimuli that create the channel for the causes then you will be able to find some ways to get around the stimulant.

Say, if you are a smoker, you are likely at a higher risk towards snoring. Smoking has been associated with too many conditions that are not only considered generally threatening but fatal. While snoring may not be a life- threatening condition, it still can affect various aspects of lifestyles that can deprive you of specific pleasures.

When a person smokes, the substance and the smoke itself cause the cells of the esophagus to react. Once this occurs, the chain reaction would result to the development of excess mucus to help the lining of the esophagus adopt to the new and harsher condition. Thus, when there are unwanted substances in the air passage, these may cause the obstruction, which then helps in the aggravation of snoring.

If this seems to be your problem, you can easily find your way out from snoring once you begin to quit smoking.

The case is different though with drinking alcohol right before bed time. Alcohol is known to induce relaxation. The fact is, once the muscles in the throat are overly relaxed, they tend to fall back from their positions towards the spaces in the throat that may obstruct the normal passage of air

Overweight individuals are also more susceptible to snoring than most individuals. It has been observed that the bigger one gets, the more likely he is to produce the annoying sounds during the night. This condition is not exactly because the person is obese but because if one is heavier then he must have more tissues lining in his neck.

These can potentially cause the problems that lead to snoring since more tissues can obstruct normal breathing.

Some people, on the other hand, suffer from various forms of allergies that can eventually lead to snores.

There are other possibilities as to what might actually cause your snores. You just have to find ways to know them. Your physician can be the best source of help as well as consultation and evaluation properly given by an otolaryngologist, a specialist in problems concerning the throat, mouth and the nose

Snoring Relief

Snoring Relief and Saving Your Marriage

Every year, thousands of people seek snoring relief. This relief can come in various forms ranging from expensive invasive procedures to simple devices aimed to relieve nasal blockages. You have many choices when it comes to getting relief from your snoring and choosing the best treatment can become annoying and frustrating. What are your options? How do you choose the best treatment to relieve snoring?

Nasal Strips

Nasal strips are thin strips of adhesive that are designed facilitate freer breathing. While you're awake, you may notice that you breathe easier and freer. While you're asleep, however, you may experience nasal blockage which produces snoring. When nasal strips are placed on the bridge of the nose, they lift the nostrils and allow air to flow through the nasal passages without obstruction.

Nasal spray

Nasal spray isn't just for cold or allergy season anymore. Often, your nasal passages become dry during sleep. This dryness causes them to vibrate. Nasal spray works by keeping nasal passages moist and flexible. This is also a great solution if your snoring is mainly due to the nasal stuffiness that colds and allergies cause.

Ear Plugs!

I've had many sleepless nights due to "noisy sleepers." At first I tried playing a radio softly in the background, but it wasn't long before the radio was overshadowed by a loud snorer. Thank goodness for ear plugs. If your spouse or family member snores loudly, give ear plugs a shot. There are a lot of different styles, but try the ones that are molded to the natural shape of the ear. These models fit inside the ear and are very comfortable to wear overnight.

Is snoring ruining your relationship? Is it affecting your productivity, even endangering your health? Then it's time to get rid of it! You can reduce your snoring by at least 50% just by doing specific daily breathing exercises. Don't let snoring rule your life a minute longer. Visit Breathe Freely today!

By Gunny Halston

Snoring Relief
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