Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Tips to Help Stop Snoring
Almost half of normal adults suffer from occasional snoring while an estimated 25% of them are known to snore habitually. It is good to point out that these figures did not choose to have fallen as victim to this nighttime dilemma. Instead, they just happened to be less lucky than most of us.
Driven by the need to resolve the disturbances caused by snoring, patients often seek relief from various stop snoring products such as devices, pills and sprays. It must be realized though that there is still no sufficient data to back the claims of these products.
To help find relief for those people who only want to have restful sleeps, we have gathered some tips that can surely let you find some ways to stop snoring.
Change of sleeping position is not only comfortable, it eases your snores.
Most people find it intriguing that a change in sleeping position can actually produce some sort of "magic" when it comes to snores. We are not talking of miracle cure here, this change of habit has logical explanations.
During sleep, our air passages must have room enough to avoid the collision of certain parts involved for breathing. If one is to sleep flat on his back, it is likely that the throat will be constricted in a way that the air passage is obstructed. However, when we sleep on our sideward position, these same passages will be released from possible intrusion of the dangling tissues. Additionally, the likelihood that the jaw will drop to cause obstruction will be lessened.
So there is a basic reason why one of the first remedies thought for resolving the condition is by sewing tennis balls on pajama tops.
Eventually, though, snoring aggravates with age. So regardless of your bed position, you might still be subjected to snores. Thus, it may become present throughout the night no matter what form of control you would use. By then, you have to find more permanent solutions.
Lose weight- Not only would you benefit from the various consequences of losing off some pounds, you would also get around from the risk of snoring. Overweight individuals tend to have bulky necks, which create more possibilities of snoring.
Change your lifestyle in general- Vices such as alcohol and smokes are often conceived as banes to proper living, which for most parts is certainly true. These are good ways to encourage smoking since both have effects that can immediately affect the tissues used in breathing.
Alcohol has relaxant effects that contribute greatly to uncontrollability of throat muscles. Cigarettes, on the other hand, have the effects of changing the cells lining the esophagus. This change can create reactions suitable for encouraging snores.
Establish a good sleeping pattern- Sleeping at the same time every night can help induce a more-or-less fixed sleeping pattern. This does not cure snore but it can help in making the rest you want, even when you snore so loudly at night. Once your body get used to the same habit each night, simple grunts and frequent noises coming from your own mouth would no longer cause you disturbances, enough to keep you awake all night.
Snoring Relief
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Nasal Breathing Solutions to Snoring
If you would not want to take the risks of letting the effects of snoring distract you both on your waking and sleeping hours, you can avail of the various snoring solutions that are sure to provide some relief.
Since the simplest sock-covered tennis ball stitched on a snorer's pajama top, many snoring devices has already emerged. In fact, there are some 300 patented devices for which the number of variations is unknown. Thus, you are sure to find one solution that will fit your preferences.
In this article, we will site some of the basic snoring solutions. You will find that some are quite simplistic in creating solutions but many are rather intensive and would require careful decisions.
One basic product that you would find under a number of manufacturers' names are the nasal breathing aids.
These snoring solutions aim to facilitate better breathing through the nose. Thus, such products only target problems that are directly linked with nasal difficulties. However, if you are breathing well enough with your nose, then you might find your luck with other devices. Nevertheless, we will try to discuss here some of the varieties and their uses.
Nasal breathing devices can best help those who breathe using their mouths. This is specially helpful when you are just starting with shifting your breathing from nasal to mouth both at night and day time.
Remember that these nasal breathing devices would not give you the final cure nor would they provide the all-in-one package solution. You will need to make some changes that would help deliver better treatment. You may need to practice yourself with exercises in breathing or create ways to keep your jaw from falling while sleeping.
The most common nasal breathing aids are the nasal strips. These are patterned on band-aid designs only differing with two flat plastic bands. These are worn across the nose which then create a pulling effect on the nostrils to keep them wide. You may have seen devices like these used by athletes to help them breathe freer during competitions.
Nasal braces, on the other hand, are breathing devices that are inserted into the nose to help create wider air passages. The advantage of these is that they dontt fall off more easily than nasal strips.
A number of nose clips have mechanisms that can facilitate better blood flow and can energize nasal tissues to help in keeping the passages open.
If you would not want the inconvenience of these devices, you can go for an air-blower like solution. This is known as Continuous Positive Air Pressure or CPAP. More refined products using its principle are the AutoPAP and the BiPAP for which attachments and settings can create breathing possible after you have stopped breathing yourself (these are most effective for sleep apnea sufferers).
Some nasal breathing products are especially engineered for specific snorers. Be careful not to go for anything that you find pleasing or convenient, careful analysis must be done or you may seek guidance first from your physician.
Snoring Relief
Snore No More - Relief from Snoring
If you want to break away from your relationship – snore your way out!
That's not meant to be a joke. Snoring has its anti-social and health consequences. Certainly, in most cases you would want to have a relief from snoring. Snoring has two types: mild snoring and excessive snoring.
How are you able to classify what type you have? These tips usually provide relief from snoring if it's the mild type. If your partner notices that you snore when you're comfortably lying on your back then get used to lying on your side. One way to achieve this is to do the ball trick. Put a ball inside a sock and attach it at the back portion on the waistline of your pajama. If having a bulk on you back wouldn’t want you to lie on your side, who knows what would.
Also, alcohol and a full stomach before bedtime triggers snoring since these contain substances that relax the neck muscles after you fall asleep and makes you produce the vibratory sound. Try to avoid these about three hours before going to bed so you can have a relief from snoring. Alcohol, sedatives and sleeping pills also makes your neck muscles relax in such a way that the soft tissues block the air passage so it's better to avoid these as well to get relief from snoring.
Lessen intakes of fatty dairy products as these are known to contain thick substances that keep the mucus in the throat from draining – and this creates the vibratory sound as air tries to move across. Obese people have accumulated fats around their neck area resulting in narrowed air passages. Losing weight helps in getting relief from snoring as the fatty obstructions are lessened.
Relief from Snoring – the excessive type
Excessive snorers produce the vibratory sound in any position (even when seated) and at any time of the day. Excessive, chronic, or habitual snoring signals only one thing – there is a health problem. Complicated snoring is a symptom of sleep apnea, a sleeping disorder in which a person stops to breath for about 10 seconds or more, several times in one night. Although it hasn't been proven yet, studies conclude that there seems to be a direct correlation between excessive snoring or sleep apnea and illnesses like high blood pressure, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases that could lead to stroke or premature death.
Relief from snoring of this type includes the use of anti-snoring appliance or devices and in extreme cases surgery (minor or major). Anti-snoring devices are fitted at the back of the mouth so as to push the tongue forward to create a wider opening of the air passage. This often provides a relief from snoring but patients usually complain of the bulk and discomfort from wearing the device.
Surgical approaches to snoring have also been widely used today. It entails the surgical removal of any obstruction that is causing excessive snoring and sleep apnea. Patients who have undergone surgery often feel discomforts during the first couple of weeks but relief from snoring is achieved in several weeks or months after the operation.
Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of Snoring and runs a highly popular and comprehensive Snoring web site.
Snoring by Nature Is…
It all lies in the abnormality of the air passage. Free flow of air is needed to facilitate regular breathing. With problem snoring, it is likely that any part of the area at the back of the mouth and the nose strike constantly. Thus, the vibration in breathing.
It may be that some people consider snoring as a non-serious condition but in fact, the opposite is true. People who suffer from snoring normally have disrupted sleep that deprives them of having normal and comfortable sleep. And when the condition gets aggravated, the snorer normally will have long-term health problems including obstructive sleep apnea. And besides, this actually causes patients embarrassment and oftentimes affects another person's sleep.
Obstructive sleep apnea, on the other hand, is the condition by which snoring is constantly interrupted with total obstruction of breathing. This occurs at an average of ten seconds long and may happen at around 7 times in an hour. Thus, the patient may suffer from 30 episodes up to 300 episodes in one night alone.
Such episodes will reduce the level of oxygen in the blood, which drives the heart to pump harder.
Immediate effects include a forced light sleep so that he may keep his muscles in tensed state. This will help facilitate a regular flow of air in the lungs. This then results to unrelaxed rest. Thus, throughout the day he will become sleepy which causes him not to function well. This then will contribute largely to the enlargement of the heart and raised blood pressure.
There are various contributors on the severity of snoring. These include:
Mouth anatomy
Snoring usually concerns the tissues involved in breathing. There are a couple of reasons why the air passage is narrow, which is itself, a good contributor to problem snoring. This may be due to enlarged tonsils, elongated soft palate and thick soft palate, and abnormality in the tissues at the back of the throat. These can all cause obstruction in the air passage.
Alcohol consumption
Any factor that can help relax the muscles of the throat more are effective causes of snoring. Due to the fact that alcohol is a sedative substance, it acts upon the muscles in the throat as a relaxant. Thus, regular intake of alcohol during near bedtime can cause disruptive snoring.
Sleep apnea
More often than not, snoring is associated with obstructive sleep apnea. It is best that you are well diagnosed so that due treatment can be processed.
Nasal problems
It may also be that biological factors can intrude to the normal passage of air in your throat. The underlying part of the nose, termed to as the bridge is the nasal septum. When this partition is quite crooked or there is any nasal congestion due to this, snoring would occur.
As we have earlier mentioned, there are so many attempts to set off snoring. However, one of the most effective is the surgery in which permanent treatment is applied.
If you are a sufferer from snoring, it is best that you get early diagnosis. While it may not be a life-threatening condition, it is still very likely that your condition gets severe.
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