Friday, June 27, 2008

What are Your Choices of Snoring Devices

Sleep is said to consume a third of our lives. The other two-thirds is spent on busy waking hours.

While we all hope for having regular restful sleep, a number of sleep disorders impede us from doing so. Among the most common culprits of our deprived sleep is snoring.

Snoring is the sound created during sleep. While we literally breathe during the whole day, this sound can only be produced once the body is at its restful position. The sounds are products of the collapsible parts in the throat that collides as air runs through them. Depending on the speed of the wind, the intensity of collision and the bulk of tissues dangling on this passage, the frequency and quality of snores vary.

Sleep is the only state where we can actually feel peaceful about ourselves. If some dangling muscles would prevent us from having rest, then we must find ways to eliminate the factors that lead to our sleep deprivation.

There are about three hundred anti snoring devices patented at the present. However, the varieties and the number of individual manufacturers using the ideas of these devices are innumerable. Thus, it is impossible for you not to find one that would suit your preferences.

Some of the most typical stop snoring devices are discussed here. We would provide you brief information on each product.

The first products at hand are adjustable beds. Sleep would never be comfortable without a bed to lay your body on. And what bed is more comfortable for snorers but the one especially designed for them? Most adjustable beds have an elevation of 30 degrees from the ground. It has been studied that this elevation would keep your tongue from sliding towards the throat and your jaw from dropping inappropriately. Thus, eliminating the possibilities of creating blockages in the air passage.

Dental appliances are also commonly advised to provide relief. There are various types of dental appliances that a snorer can use. However, there are too few that truly work for most users. Mandibular Advancement Appliances provides more comfort, durability and adaptability to one's jaw since they are custom made. Nevertheless, such products can also be bought over-the-counter. Other dental appliances such as tongue-retaining flange and tongue retaining devices do not allow snorers to swallow comfortably. Therefore, these are not usually reported to work at their best.

There are simpler snoring devices such as stop snoring pillows and nasal breathing equipments.

Stop snoring pillows normally have mechanisms that encourage a person to sleep on his side. Sleeping on one's back is known to induce snoring since the lower jaw is allowed to drop while creating a space where the tongue can fall back. This can also constrict the air passage, which narrows the canal through which the air can flow.

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Appliances (CPAP) is known to be one of the well-recognized devices in the industry. This is a specialized mask connected to the pump that produces pressure so that the throat would be kept from collapsing. This is normally the choice of those suffering from Obstructive Sleep Apnea.

There are some not-so-often recommended devices available such as stop snoring sprays. Most comment of using it at your own risk. However, it must be understood that such products are reported to work on some cases but may not necessarily be effective for some.

In the end, you alone can choose the actual device that you will use. Please bear in mind though that you must follow strictly your physician's counsel.

Snoring Relief

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Contributing Factors and Subsequent Snoring Remedies

Snoring is the noise produced through vibrating throat components. This occurs only during sleep since this is when our muscles are most relaxed. Relaxation of the muscles can inhibit the passage of normal airflow since the muscles fall back to cause blockage, narrowing the passage itself.

Remedies for snoring require careful studies on the related factors that either aggravate the condition or cause the condition itself. Once the roots are known, the growth of the problems can then be stopped.

Because of sedentary life, physiological problems and too rich foods, people are more susceptible to developing conditions that lead to snores. It has been a common knowledge that overweight people are most likely to snore than the healthier ones. This is because their throats tend to be fleshier. Thus, there are more blockages that can narrow the air passages. To reverse this, overweight sufferers are advised to reduce some weights, this does not only add to the comfort but will also reduce the likelihood of snoring more intensely.

The collapse of the throat muscles due to relaxation can be an immediate cause of problem snoring. It is advisable not take any alcoholic substances right before bedtime to avoid adding up to the abnormalities in the muscles.

Among the many undesirable effects of smoking in the body is the modification of the throat cells. This change will cause mucus build up to accommodate the smoke and nicotine passing through the tract without causing inflammation. However, due to the abnormal release of mucus, the mucous membranes in the throat and the esophagus will swell, causing blockages in the small vessels in the lungs.

Sleep pattern
There are two crucial stages of sleep that can affect your general breathing during the night. The Stage 1 is considered to be the stage when one has just fallen to sleep. This will repeat when sleep is disturbed by any stimuli. The other stage is the REM Sleep or the Rapid Eye Movement Sleep wherein dreams occur.

A person who snores is most likely to have unbalanced breathing during sleeping. This may be due to the noise or the frequent grunts coming from his or her bed partner.

It is best to establish a good sleeping habit so that breathing can be regulated. All you need is 8 hours of sleep, therefore create the best possible environment so that you might get everything your body requires.

Sleeping habits
It is a common knowledge that those who sleep on their backs usually have more episodes of snoring than those who sleep on their sides. Coupled with the pull of gravity on the tongue and throat muscles, sleeping on the back creates more restful positions for the throat. Thus, if there were any floppy flesh hanging around, it is likely that the air that passes through the tract would push the relaxed muscles upward.

Sleeping at an elevated position would also provide you some relief. 30 degrees must be the elevation so that the diaphragm would be relaxed and that the tongue would be kept from falling back.

Medical Problems
Any cause of throat blockage can be a threat to your peaceful sleep. Allergies and other irritation on its tissues can cause swelling or inflammation. Large adenoids, large tonsils, excess mass on the throat and changes in the construction of the cells can clog the air passage. For these, surgery is normally advised.

Snoring Relief

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Types of Surgeries as Treatments for Snoring

Snoring is known to be the end result of the vibration happening in the upper airway which includes parts such as the throat, mouth and the nose. Due to blockages, turbulence is caused during respiration. While we breathe virtually the whole day, we only snore at night because our muscle tone is very much reduced at sleeping which encourages the collapse of these tissues. Plus, the relaxed muscles are incapable of preventing themselves from collision.

Snoring can basically originate anywhere from the nose down to the vocal chords. Recently, researchers found out that the tongue plays certain roles in causing and aggravating one's snores.

Snoring is involuntary, so there's no use of trying to control it at will. It cant also be cured using simple measures. However, it can be controlled by means of various devices and techniques.

However when snoring becomes too difficult for a commonly applied method to handle, it could be the right idea to check on surgical methods to deal with it. There are various surgical procedures to correct this sleeping problem. But not all may be used in all cases.

Sometimes, thorough evaluation of the physical and physiological factors must be rendered before an otolaryngologist would come up with the most effective measures. Otolaryngologists are the specialists on problems directly related with the throat, mouth and the nose.

Another known treatment for snoring is the Tongue Suspension Procedure or Repose. This works by inserting a small screw under the tongue into the jaw. This way, the tongue will be prevented from falling back during sleep. While many report of its effectivity in controlling the cause of snores, most physicians agrees that this is an irreversible option so careful thinking is evaluation.

For snorers whose main cause of snoring is the nose, nasal surgery is most likely to find the solution. While it is considered, in general, as a cosmetic type of surgery too few can deny that it actually works for problematic snoring.

This method is also used for patients who are suffering from deviated nasal septum. This doesn't only help the snorer during his sleep but can also add comfort in breathing during the day.

The LAUP or Laser-Assisted Uvulopalatoplasty is the advanced modification of the traditional treatment called Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty or UPPP. This procedure works by cutting the uvula (which is the dangling part that most often than not causes the obstruction of the air passage) that is located at the rear part of the roof of the mouth. This procedure works best when the persistent problem lies on the uvula.

Radio Frequency Tissue Ablation, also known as Samnoplasty, is a relatively new technique approved by the Food and Drug Administration. This also basically removes parts of the uvula.

While there is not much data published in relation with Coblation-Channeling, we are for certain that this method employs the principle of removing any tissue that obstructs the air passage by means of radio frequency. On some cases, tissues are fully removed when the need arises.

Surgery as treatment for snoring must be taken as the last resort when everything else you've tried failed. Before diving into an option, be sure that you are completely evaluated of the actual causes of your condition. Ensure yourself also that you have the best doctor in your spectrum of choices.

Snoring Relief

Monday, June 23, 2008

The Easy Way to Stop Snoring

When the sound inside your room during the night can cause your partner or the whole neighborhood to stay awake all night, then you need to take the right action. You need to find ways to stop your snoring problem. However, before you can stop snoring, there is one thing you need to know: the cause of snoring. Here are the ways to stop snoring with respect to its causes.

How to stop snoring caused by nasal congestion and allergies?

Snoring occurs when there is an enlargement of adenoids and/or tonsils. And, this is usually the result of nasal congestion and allergies.

Snoring caused by nasal congestion can be stopped by taking decongestants. You may want to consult your doctor to know the particular decongestant that is right for your condition. Saltwater nose drops are also effective to remove nasal congestion. There are commercial saltwater solutions that can be bought at drugstores but you can also make one for you. Mix ¼ teaspoon of salt to 8 ounces of sterilized water to flush out the congestion from your nose.

Meanwhile, snoring caused by allergies can be stopped with antibiotics. Normally, when the nasal congestion or allergies stop, snoring stops too.

How to stop snoring caused by obesity, poor healthy lifestyle, and irregular sleep?

Obesity can cause snoring by blocking your air passage with fat concentration. Also, excess fat can develop at your stomach that causes your diaphragm to work irregularly. So, the best way to stop snoring that is caused by obesity is losing weight through regular exercise and proper diet.

Poor healthy lifestyle such as excessive drinking and smoking can trigger snoring. Alcohol causes a partial collage on your airways (from lungs all the way up to your nose) which can immediately start snoring. Cigarette smoking on the other hand causes blockage on the small vessels of the lungs and swelling on the tissue in the throat and mucus membrane in the nose. Both can cause sleep apnea. Avoid excessive intake of alcohol and excessive cigarette smoking before sleeping.

Irregular sleeping can result to instability in breathing during asleep. So, it is important that you sleep for at least 7 to 8 hours during the night.

How to stop snoring caused by sleep apnea?

Sleep apnea is a condition characterized by loud snoring with periods of breathing interruptions. These interruptions are caused by irregular breathing patterns. This results to snoring and poor sleep.

To stop sleep apnea and snoring altogether, you should quit smoking (if you smoke), lose weight (if you are either obese or overweight), stop using sleeping pills and medications with antihistamines, and stop sleeping on your back instead, sleep on your side.

Other ways to stop snoring are the use of commercially available anti snoring products such as homeopathic throat sprays and tablets, throat sprays, sleeping pillows, nasal strips and dilators.

These products may or may not stop your snoring. This is obviously because there are certain reasons as to why you snore that may not be stopped from the outside. Reasons such as obesity and sleep apnea can be cured differently (as mentioned above).

If you snore and would like to try any of these products, evaluate first the reason why you snore. Only go for these products if you think they can help you.

Snoring Relief

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Ways to Prevent the Causes of Snoring

Snoring is a fairly common affliction. In fact, it's so common that many have learned to disregard it.

It is caused by loose hanging tissues that prevent the normal air passage in the throat. This happens when the body and the muscles surrounding the throat are at their most restful positions. This explains why though we literally breathe the whole day, only during sleep do we experience snores.

The tongue for example, would fall back into the throat when the jaw drops. Thus, narrowing the air passage. The pressure then passing through the throat would be doubled (or tripled depending on the speed of the wind that runs through it). Thus, vibration is created.

We often hack this problem by creating states wherein the muscles would not fall back to create blockages.

To prevent snoring, patients are often advised not to sleep on their sides. This is because there is constraint of air passage when one sleeps on his back. Coupled with gravity, the tongue and other loose muscles will fall back to the throat, which then creates much less space.

This is why the first device created to keep a person from snoring is the sock that covers a tennis ball stitched at the center of the snorer's pajama shirt. If this is worn, the snorer will be kept from sleeping on his back due to discomfort.

Among the many advert effects of carrying too much pounds, overweight individuals are also more likely to be victims of snoring. Since their necks are a bit more fleshy, there could be more loose muscles that would hamper the normal passage of air. Thus, the heavier one gets, the more prone he is to have louder and deeper resonating snores.

Obviously, the best solution to prevent the development of too fleshy throats is not to raise the bar in the weighing scale. You would not only be saved from a number of coronary diseases, personal impairments and lack of self confidence, you would also get away from the loud noises your throat creates at nighttime.

There are various methods of loosing weight. From yoga to dieting, find one that would suit you best. Be patient in waiting for the effects of weight loss to come though. Remember that you did not gain weight overnight so you wont lose it overnight either. It takes much painful effort when you are hastening things to come to you. Work on it and never cease on following your diet or exercise plan. You know that it's all worth it.

Substances that induce relaxation can also trigger snores. Therefore, you must refrain from drinking alcohol or drugs that has this very effect right before bedtime. Additionally, these substances can make your breathing slow. Be careful also not to get too tired during the day so that you wont get too relaxed during sleep.

Moreover, see to it that you go to bed at the same time each night. Creating an established sleep plan is known to induce better sleep. Thus, even when snoring can awaken your bed partner, you are mush less likely to wake up due to your own grunts.

Avoid breathing using your mouth. This often is the issue when it comes to snoring. Those who breathe through their mouths often have more aggravated problems since their dropped jaws encourage the tongue to drop back towards the throat. You can practice nasal breathing as early as you detect that you are beginning to get used to mouth breathing. After all, treatment for snoring often requires you to switch from mouth to nasal breathing. Indeed, another proof that prevention is much better than finding ways of treating the condition.

Snoring Relief
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