Saturday, June 21, 2008

Proven Solutions For Snoring

By Sarah McMahon

Are you suffering from a restless night of sleep? Do you find yourself and your spouse arguing during the night because of the loud noises that come from your body? Maybe you have tried all kinds of methods to help you stop snoring and you have not had success. Well I have written this article to explain some of the proven solutions for snoring and how you can begin using them to help you get a peaceful eight hours of sleep.

People who suffer from this condition usually seem like they are sleeping peacefully; however most of them awaken as if they have not slept at all. I personally know this because I lived with a snorer. He would awaken just as tired as he was the night before. He was constantly grouchy and groggy because a lack of sleep. I have to admit though that some of the proven solutions for snoring that I listed below; he was reluctant to try them however I was finally able to get him to do them and today we are both sleeping as peaceful as we used to before he developed this condition.

Solution 1. Weight loss: most people who suffer from this condition are most likely overweight. Research has shown that if you are overweight the chances for you snoring increase. The reason being; when you lie down the weight of your body causes the muscles in the back of your throat to relax and that is what produces the loud sounds that keep both of you awake. There are steps you can do to begin to lose some of the unwanted weight it will improve your quality of sleep and most important it will decrease your chances of acquiring an illness due to being overweight. Begin watching what you eat and cut back on your portions. If you currently love to eat out at fast food restaurants; cut back on that or avoid it if possible. The food is filled with fat and has no nutritional value whatsoever.

Solution 2. Exercise: we all hate the "E" word; however there is no way around it if you want to live a healthy lifestyle. We all require exercise just like every other living organism. The great thing is you do not have to go run a marathon; you can easily begin by walking around your neighborhood for 30 minutes every morning.

Solution 3. No alcoholic beverages: at least three hours before you go to sleep. This includes wine, beer, liquor or any other type of alcohol. The reason being is because alcohol acts as a relaxing stimulant; it will relax your body to the point that your throat muscles will be "singing" all night long and you may be louder than normal.

Solution 4. Breathing strips: these are little band aid looking strips that you put on the top of your nose. They open up your airway passages so that the air you breathe can flow through easily These are proven solutions for snoring and you can easily pick up a box from your local health store or drug store for under $10.

If you are looking for more proven solutions for snoring; visit our website it is guaranteed to get you to stop snoring and begin sleeping better at night using natural methods!

Author of this Article
Sarah McMahon
Entrepreneur who has been marketing several types of websites filled with useful information for the past 5 years.

Article Source:

Snoring Relief

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